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Jan 29, 20244 min read
Halo Effect: Everything you need to know!
In India, there's a phrase "Sharma ji’s beta" [translates to Mr.Sharma’s son] that's commonly used to denote that "perfect kid living...

Dec 20, 20237 min read
Placebo Effect: Everything you need to know!
Mr White was a cancer patient dying from lymphoma in 1957. His tumors were the size of oranges and had infiltrated several organs. His...

Dec 11, 20235 min read
Bandwagon Effect: Everything you need to know!
The bandwagon effect is a psychological bias that causes people to think, behave, or adopt opinions as others do, often ignoring their own b

Dec 4, 20234 min read
Bystander effect: Everything you need to know!
An extremely disturbing incident took place on 28 May ‘23. A 16-year old girl in Delhi was brutally stabbed to death on the footpath...

Nov 27, 20236 min read
Confirmation bias: Everything you need to know!
Isn't it baffling that flat-earthers still exist? In an age where satellite images and space exploration have proven the Earth to be...
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